Starting with EMU41 : After correct hardware and software installation you are able to run EMU41 and transfer data to external IL devices like HP-41 or IL-Cass-Drive. Some details about working with EMU41 you find in the emu41eng.txt file from Jean-Francois. Some more information about EMU41 and helpfully HP-41software routines for PC interfacing you get by reading my three READMY.doc files. By using my basic software disk you get a powerful HP-41 setup : This consist of a HP-41CX (including X-Functions and X-Memory), the CCD-Module, IL-Module, EXT-I/O Module, EXT-IL-ROM and the SKWIDBC-ROM. For changing this advanced port configuration open the EMU41.INI file with a text-editor and replace the actual modules. Like in the real world avoid doubling XROM numbers or installing different modules to same port ! In a first step discover and learn the EMU41/PC keyboard assignments. Some more key stokes you find in the emu41eng.txt file from Jean-Francois. The enlarged CAT functions of CCD-Module gives you an easy overview about EMU41 : First SF 15 (press F5, 7, 1, 5) for activating the left screen video display. Now list the virtual IL devices of EMU41 by executing CAT 0 (press F5, N, 0). Also external wired IL devices are listed correctly. CAT 1 lists you some main memory routines. CAT 2 lists the headers of the plug in modules - CAT 8 lists the full command set of the plug ins. CAT 4 lists some existing X-Memory files, and CAT 7 = DIR the contents of the HDRIVE1. Load some of the HDRIVE1 programs to your HP-41 or EMU41 main memory for executing data and file transfer between HP-41 or EMU41 and the PC world : Transfer of data register blocks, data-files, matrix-files (CCD-Module), ASCII text files and non normalised numbers = NNNīs is possible. The two belonging source- and target files are EMU41IN.DAT and EMU41OUT.DAT - open this is possible with a text-editor. The LPT 1 printer feature of EMU41 make possible advanced printer applications : By using the EXT-IL-ROM and SKWIDBC-ROM you realise multi column program code prints and fast HP-41 barcode plots. Advanced users are able to upload their own plug in ROM-image files from HP-41 to EMU41 by using ZEPROM. Please make this files also available for other EMU41 users ! Exchange of program-, data- and ROM-image files would be easy by email, send a copy of the HDRIVE1 file as attachment.